August 21

Alanna grows hair verrrrry very slowly.  She had her first “official” haircut back in January or so… at almost 3 years old.  And even then, she didn’t really need to have her hair cut- they (who is “they” really?) say that trimming hair regularly encourages it to grow fuller.  

I’m not sold on the idea.

Her hair has still been quite slow to grow, but it was getting more and more mullet by the day, so I decided it was time to take action.  The curly hair though… it’s just bound to look like a mullet.  

I used to cut Adam’s hair (when he didn’t have the shaved look) back before I got pregnant with Alanna.  So, all of 6 months.  After the ol’ bump got too big to cut his hair, we decided he was on his own, thus the decision to cut it.  

You may be wondering why I sequed sequeyed sequyed ah, forget it.  Why I….  well, you know the word I’m thinking of that I obviously can’t think of right now. 

We own a pretty nice pair of hair cutting scissors back from when I used to cut Adam’s hair.  So no, Mom, I didn’t just use the kitchen scissors to cut Alanna’s hair. 

Maybe we could put this picture with this one and I could enter into some kind of Mom of the Year contest, or better yet,  Please don’t do it Clayton.  

I love Nora’s face in this next one. Like, “Are you sure you want to do this??”

Alanna was so good during her first mommy haircut.  Not gonna lie though, I was getting a little remorseful about my decision to cut her hair a bit later… she kind of looked like a boy.  

But then I put a clip in it, and much better. All girl now.  

I like it.  🙂  It’s very pixie.  🙂 

That’s proof that my child does actually smile in front of the camera every once in awhile. 

My mom sent the girls some really fun cowgirl boots.  They wore them allllllll day. 

My mom also sent some other goodies (thanks mom!!).  But I was confused about the hershey’s chocolate bar.  There was a chunk of it missing.  Like someone took a bite and then stuck it in the box.  Hmmmmm….

Nora danced a lot in her boots. 

Speaking of Nora, this

and this

pretty much sum her entire world view.  Anyone that has seen the child 

a.) ask for a cookie
b.) receive a cookie

can verify that this is so.

And also speaking of Nora,


Teething anyone? 

We got to go to this church conference event last night, at which there was an events photographer present.  This guy took an uncomfortable amount of pictures of me.  Several which included me eating.  Why?  I don’t know. 

We started chatting and he asked if I was going to be in attendance at the rest of the conference.  I said no.  He asked why, told him I had kids. To which he replied, “Oh, you could sedate them and shove them behind the bar.”  Okay, haha. 

Then he continued on, “Or, you could get a sheep dog and herd them into a cage.”

“Or, you could cover them in honey and put them in the oven.” 

Ummmmmm,  he’s really thought about this hasn’t he.

Geez, I hope he doesn’t have kids. Something tells me that’s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NO.   A friend asked me if he really freaked me out, and I said, “Oh, Nah, this makes great blogging material.” 

And on that note, here’s another picture of the calla lilly.  I promise this is the LAST one.  I just can’t get over that this thing like squirts water out of the leaves and flower.  Very cool. 


  1. jaime said

    you did a great job on alanna’s hair. it’s very cute! and, that guy at your church sounds alittle freakish to me. don’t go anywhere alone with him… you know to pose for any more pictures of you eating or anything. 🙂

  2. mirandi said

    you seem to have re-covered your inspiration for daily photos of the girls 🙂 i’m proud of you. and i love the plant pics b/c i’m just amazed that you haven’t killed it yet :0 tee hee. alanna’s hair is darling!!!!!

  3. Kelly Bell said

    You did a great job cutting her hair, it turned out so cute! I think I would be too scared to do it. Love Nora and all the saliva…looks like Caroline right now. I feel like I am constantly wiping her chin off. Love you!

  4. Alanna’s hair cut is SUPER cute! Love the drooling kiddie and the drooling flower pictures 🙂

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